Hiking Our Preserves 

The lands we've preserved provide scenic vistas, protect water and air quality, and provide critical habitat for innumerable plant and animal species, including many considered rare or endangered in New Jersey or nationally. Equally important, these forever-wild places ensure that our children and grandchildren continue to have access to nature in all of its wondrous forms. Many of our preserves offer hiking trails for the public to enjoy.

We encourage you to visit RVC preserves today and experience the many wonders nature has to offer. See you on the trail!

Visit our other Preserves ~ enjoy great Hiking trails

“I cannot endure to waste anything so precious as autumnal sunshine by staying in the house. So I have spent almost all the daylight hours in the open air.”
— Nathaniel Hawthorne, October 10, 1842

preserves on private land ~ limited trail access only

Nature sanctuaries ~ no formal trails


preserved farmland ~ no public access, no trails

Muckshaw Farm, Fredon and Andover

Muckshaw Farm, Fredon & Andover