Moravian Springs

39 acres

Unique features

The preserve is in the area of what was once known as the Moravian Camp.  Hope is known for its Moravian settlement and architecture.  The property is underlain by limestone and has several springs, which discharge from the limestone aquifer into a wetlands and a bordering tributary of Beaver Brook.  The spring outflow replenishes Beaver Brook below Silver Lake.  The cold, oxygen-rich water discharging from the springs is important to downstream water quality and flow during dry periods.  The site contains what appear to be ruins of a limestone block springhouse that are built in the Moravian architectural style.  

The forest consists of dense sugar maple, oak/hickory and red cedar succeeding into black birch and ash.  Much of the forest has a dense understory of native spicebush.  Native plants such as ginger and bladderwort are found near a cave and spring on the southern end of the property near the stream.  Fern, such as the endangered walking fern, and fern allies are found on the north-facing limestone bluffs.  A stream borders the eastern edge of the property.


Moravian Springs Preserve was acquired by purchase in 2010 using grants from the Warren County Open Space Trust Fund and the Garden State Preservation Trust.