Banner photography provided by Christine Oleszek
Preserving Natural Lands
RiDge and valley conservancy:
Is accredited by the Land Trust Accreditation Commission as an organization that exhibits the highest level of professional standards, monitors and defends its properties, and maintains exemplary records.
Has protected over 5,000 acres of ecologically important open space and local farmland.
Works with other land trusts to preserve open space and farmland.
Assists communities, counties, and the state to carry out their open space and farmland preservation programs.
Helps landowners find ways to preserve their land.
Offers nature education and other events on its preserves to help people understand the value of protecting open space.
Works with local schools to provide experiential learning about conservation.
Works with other non-profit groups to build a healthy community.
Works with the Nature Conservancy on a landowner outreach program.
RVC’s “Women and Their Woods” educates women landowners on how to take better care of their woods.
OUR MISSION statement
Ridge and Valley Conservancy is an accredited land trust that, in cooperation with strategic partners, permanently protects and stewards land in northwestern New Jersey for the benefit of natural communities.
Our Vision Statement
A region that is abundant in natural beauty and biodiversity protected for the future.
2020-25 RVC Strategic Plan
On January 12, 2020, members of our Board of Trustees and executive leadership participated in an off-site retreat to kick off a six-month strategic planning process. While the timeline and logistics we had set for meeting and brainstorming were interrupted by the pandemic, we adjusted, moved our process online, and collaborated virtually. In September 2020, we adopted a new strategic plan with a continued focus on community conservation, stewardship of RVC preserves, and land protection in our beautiful region. This plan will serve as a roadmap moving RVC forward through 2025. It is a plan that supports our exciting vision of growth. Click here to view the current strategic plan.
Blair Creek, which flows through protected Lightning Bug Hollow, tells the story of our preservation efforts better than we can!
““The Earth, like the Sun, like the Air - belongs to everyone - and to no one.””